^natade? a blog? more likely than you'd think!

> hi im poll (23, fil-am, psych datasci undergrad, living in boston) and i hate scrolling. i'm making this (march 21, 2021, 8am) while procrastinating for my cross cultural psych midterm which i've delayed for 2 days now (due at 1:30 pm). i should have it in the bag so im not worrying. as for the reason, tbh i have no clear idea. my experience with blogging is rather minimal with the exception of sending out around 2k weirdo tweets and my presence on the web have been confined to lurking or niche forum spheres. im mostly chasing an idea from a converstation with my sister, kinda in the frame of longing for a geocities-based experience away from discord commmunites and twitter drama. also i kinda just dumped my usual friend group in the past few weeks. i guess in a meta-way im looking for a sort of direction.